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Launch of we invent brand for Queen’s University

October 2, 2023
we invent brand style

We partnered with Queen's University Innovations Programmes Department to create a new brand encouraging Researchers to start the Invention Disclosure process.

we invent is a new name and brand encouraging research professionals to make the first steps in the process of invention disclosure to a fully sustainable start-up venture.

Having an idea with world-changing potential is just one barrier in the process. Many researchers are not aware of the support opportunities available to them. We invent aims to simplify the process and to encourage people to start the conversation as early as possible.

We’ve been working with Univerity Technology Transfer Offices for almost 10 years, and have built a unique design service to support TTO teams. We have also created a branding package just for spin-outs as they journey through the commercialisation development process.

Read more about the we invent project here.

Visit the we invent website.


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