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Graphic Design For Northern Irish Business Sectors

Design for Technology and Innovation Businesses

Northern Ireland is home to a burgeoning tech sector, with businesses ranging from software development to advanced manufacturing. Bag of Bees’ strategic approach to branding helps tech companies stand out in a competitive market.

Bia Analytical poster designs
Bia Analytical
Strategic Brand Transformation

Bia Analytical, a world leader in food quality and safety analysis, turned to Bag of Bees for a comprehensive brand transformation. The result was a strategic brand identity that bolstered Bia Analytical’s market presence and reinforced its leadership in the industry.

Bia Analytical Brand Transformation
Three Univ8 Genomics test boxes
Univ8 Genomics
Strategic Brand Transformation

Univ8 Genomics, a biomedical healthcare science company, sought Bag of Bees for branding their genomics testing kits for cancers. The comprehensive brand design created by Bag of Bees positioned Univ8 as a leader in the cutting-edge field of genomics.

Univ8 Genomics Brand & Website Design

Design for the Education and Research Sector

Bag of Bees offer purposeful branding packages to support the development of University Enterprises and Spinouts as they create MVPs and take their IP to market.

Our work for Queen’s University has also covered many business support and behind-the-scenes design projects, including:

  • Sub-branding for QUBIS – the commercialisation arm of Queen’s University, Belfast
  • Design support for Queen’s Research & Enterprise Directorate
  • Event branding and marketing designs for the Deep Tech Conference
  • Digital marketing design templates for QUBIS

Branding and web development for Charities and Human Rights Organisations

Bag of Bees’ collaboration with organizations such as Women’s Platform and The Community Foundation Northern Ireland illustrates how strong branding can improve visibility, increase engagement, and showcase the impactful work of charities and good causes in the region.

Large billboard advertising the Northern Ireland Community Foundation. headline reads "Connecting people who care with causes that matter".
The Community Foundation Northern Ireland
Strategic Brand Transformation

The Community Foundation Northern Ireland worked with Bag of Bees to build a brand celebrating philanthropy and good causes. The new brand identity effectively highlighted the foundation's impact and the generosity of its donors.

Community Foundation Northern Ireland – Brand and Website Design
Large PILS Project poster on an ornate concrete exterior wall. Headline reads "Uncovering public interest issues that are hidden 'below the radar'".
The PILS Project
Strategic Brand Transformation

The PILS Project, a legal human rights organisation, turned to Bag of Bees for a brand identity that reflects its mission for the greater good. The resulting brand successfully communicates their dedication to human rights advocacy.

The PILS Project Brand & Website Design
NI Museums Council poster
NI Museums Council
Strategic Brand Transformation

The NI Museums Council partnered with Bag of Bees to develop a cohesive strategy and brand visual design. This transformation enhanced the council’s ability to present a unified and modern image to the public, boosting engagement and visibility.

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